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Good morning,

It’s very early “not a creature is stirring not even a mouse” except this mawmaw who is up
getting ready for a busy day. I begin by making two lunches for my sweet grandkids, Elsie and
Ethan. Sarah, their mother leaves for work at 6:45 and I get the children up at 7:00 for breakfast
and get them dressed for school. We take Elsie to school at 8:00 and Ethan to preschool at 9:00. It is back
home to prep food for a 30th birthday party we are catering Saturday and a bridal shower the
next day. Oh yes, I forgot to mention I do catering. I make charcuterie boards and sell
homecooked meals three nights a week to neighbors. I love every minute of the time doing
these side business. Every little bit of money helps my daughter pay for all the extras for
her children. She is the sole provider for those two precious babies and always has been. She is
hard working and a great mother. While she is working I am the mother, but when she gets home I turn the mother role back to her.

I’ll admit sometimes I have to walk away and not say something when our parenting ideas differ. I realize I had my chance with my children. Some decisions I made were good and some not so good, but I realize she needs to be the mom and make her own decisions.

I have dinner ready when she gets home and she feeds them, gives them their bath, plays with them, takes them to gymnastics and basketball practice, does homework, and puts them to bed. Some nights are very smooth and some nights are total chaos, but that is life with two small children. AND that is why I like my one hour of quiet in the morning.
My greatest thought most days is “God will never give us more than we can handle” and I believe this with all my heart.
Well, I am finishing this writing up after everone is fast asleep, “not a creature is stirring” just
this Mawmaw who is going to bed now.

Love to all and have a great night and be happy,